
What Dog Breeds Need Groomed Most Often?

As a dog owner, one of the responsibilities you must undertake is grooming your furry friend. Grooming not only helps your dog look their best but also promotes their overall health and well-being. However, Some dogs need to be groomed more often because of their special fur.

Grooming is essential for certain dog breeds. Poodles, Yorkies, Shih Tzus, and Maltese require regular maintenance to keep their coats healthy and stylish. Take them to a professional groomer every 4 to 6 weeks. So, they stay comfy, without any knots in their fur, and look really good. Be prepared for the associated costs, as grooming expenses can vary but are worth the investment for your furry friend’s well-being.

In this blog, we will explore what dog breeds need to be groomed most often and discuss the reasons behind their high maintenance requirements.

Poodles – The Epitome of Elegance 

Look at this handsome poodle

Poodles are renowned for their elegant appearance and distinctive curly coats. These intelligent and highly trainable dogs come in three size variations: standard, miniature, and toy. Regardless of their size, poodles have hair that continues to grow instead of shedding like other breeds. This characteristic makes them a top choice for individuals with allergies, as they produce fewer allergens.

Poodles require regular grooming to prevent their hair from matting and tangling. Due to their non-shedding coats, they are more prone to accumulating dirt, debris, and moisture. Failure to groom them frequently can lead to skin infections and discomfort. Professional grooming every 4-6 weeks is recommended for poodles to maintain their desired appearance and coat health. This involves hair trimming, coat shaping, nail clipping, and regular brushing to prevent matting.

Poodles are also known for their unique haircut styles, such as the “puppy cut” or the elaborate “continental clip.” These hairstyles not only enhance their appearance but also serve practical purposes. The shaved areas help to prevent matting while leaving hair on certain areas protects them from cold weather and potential injuries. Regular grooming ensures that poodles’ coats are well-maintained and in line with their breed standards.

Yorkshire Terriers – Keeping the Silky Shine 

Cute Yorkshire Terrier after grooming

Yorkshire Terriers, or Yorkies, are small but mighty dogs with long, flowing, and silky coats. Their gorgeous hair is one of their defining features but also requires meticulous maintenance. Yorkies have hair that is similar to human hair, growing continuously without shedding excessively. Their fine hair can easily become tangled and matted, causing discomfort and skin problems.

To keep a Yorkshire Terrier’s coat healthy and shiny, regular grooming is essential. Daily brushing is recommended to prevent tangles and remove loose hair. Additionally, frequent baths using specialized shampoos and conditioners designed for their delicate hair are necessary to maintain cleanliness and sheen. Trimming the hair around their eyes and ears, as well as regular nail trimming, are also crucial for their overall well-being.

Professional grooming every 4-6 weeks is highly recommended for Yorkies to ensure that their coat is properly maintained. During professional grooming sessions, the groomer will trim the hair to the desired length, paying attention to areas prone to matting, such as the belly, armpits, and behind the ears. Regular grooming not only keeps the coat manageable but also prevents skin irritations and infections.

Shih Tzus – Long Locks Demand Attention 

Shih Tzus in need of grooming

Shih Tzus are known for their long, luxurious coats that can resemble flowing curtains. These small and affectionate dogs have a double coat, with a soft and dense undercoat and a long outer coat. Their hair can grow to considerable lengths if not regularly trimmed, requiring diligent grooming to avoid matting and discomfort.

To keep a Shih Tzu coat in prime condition, daily brushing is necessary to prevent tangles and keep it free of debris. Regular baths with appropriate shampoos and conditioners are important to maintain their coat’s shine and cleanliness. Many Shih Tzu owners opt for professional grooming every 4-6 weeks to keep their dog’s coat trimmed and styled to prevent matting and hygiene issues.

Professional groomers are skilled at shaping a Shih Tzu’s coat in various styles, such as the “puppy cut” or the “teddy bear cut.” These cuts not only enhance the dog’s appearance but also reduce the grooming time required for daily maintenance. Additionally, professional groomers are adept at handling the delicate nature of a Shih Tzu coat and ensuring that it remains healthy and free of mats.

Maltese – A Fluffy White Cloud 

My Rookie, shortly after his grooming

Maltese dogs are known for their beautiful, silky white coats that make them resemble adorable fluffy clouds. This toy breed’s long and flowing hair requires frequent attention to maintain its pristine appearance. Maltese coats are non-shedding and similar to human hair, which means they require regular grooming to prevent matting and tangling.

To care for a Maltese coat, daily brushing is essential to prevent tangles and remove loose hair. Their coats also need frequent bathing using gentle shampoos and conditioners. Trimming around the eyes, paws, and sanitary areas is necessary to ensure hygiene and prevent discomfort. 

Professional grooming every 4-6 weeks is recommended for Maltese dogs to keep their coats trimmed, prevent matting, and maintain their elegant appearance.

Our Maltese is pretty much on par with needing to be groomed every 4-6 weeks. He is prone to getting knots in his coat and if neglected, it can lead to a less desired shorter haircut.

Professional groomers skilled in handling Maltese coats can create different styles to suit the owner’s preferences. The “puppy cut” is a popular choice, where the hair is trimmed to a short length, resembling the look of a puppy. This cut not only reduces grooming time but also keeps the coat manageable and prevents tangles.

Below is a table that provides information on how often each breed should be groomed and an estimate of the average yearly cost associated with grooming:

Dog BreedGrooming FrequencyAverage Yearly Cost (approx.)
PoodleEvery 4-6 weeks$600 – $1,200
Yorkshire TerrierEvery 4-6 weeks$400 – $800
Shih TzuEvery 4-6 weeks$500 – $1,000
MalteseEvery 4-6 weeks$400 – $800

Please note that the average yearly cost may vary depending on factors such as the geographical location, specific grooming services required, and individual groomer pricing. The provided cost range includes regular grooming sessions, which typically involve hair trimming, coat shaping, nail clipping, and general maintenance tasks. Additional costs may be incurred if you choose specialized grooming styles or opt for extra services like teeth cleaning or flea treatments.

It’s important to keep in mind that grooming costs can add up over time, so budgeting for regular grooming sessions is necessary to ensure the well-being and appearance of these breeds.

FAQ (Commonly Asked Queries)

1. Is it possible to groom my pet at home? 

Basic grooming chores such as combing and bathing can be performed at home. However, professional grooming is suggested for breeds that need more thorough care. Professional groomers are skilled and equipped to deal effectively with the specific grooming needs of different breeds.

2. How frequently should I comb my dog’s fur? 

The combing frequency largely depends on the breed and the type of coat. Dogs with long hair, like poodles, Yorkshire Terriers, Shih Tzus, and Maltese, usually need daily combing to avoid knots and to maintain their fur in top shape.

3. Does regular grooming have any health advantages for my dog? 

Indeed, consistent grooming provides numerous health advantages for your pet. It helps to ward off skin diseases, keeps the fur neat and free of dirt, facilitates the early discovery of parasites or irregularities, and enhances healthy blood flow.

4. Can I trim my dog’s hair myself?

Trimming your dog’s hair should be done carefully and skillfully, especially for breeds with specific grooming requirements. It is recommended to seek professional help for hair trimming to ensure the best results and prevent accidental injuries.

5. How often should I bathe my dog?

The frequency of baths depends on various factors, including the breed, coat type, and activity level of your dog. In general, most dogs benefit from a bath every 4-6 weeks to maintain cleanliness. However, excessive bathing can strip their coat of natural oils, so it’s important not to overdo it.

Final Thought!

Grooming is an essential part of caring for certain dog breeds. Poodles, Yorkshire Terriers, Shih Tzus, and Maltese dogs have specific grooming needs due to their coat types, which require regular attention to maintain their health and appearance. By understanding and fulfilling these grooming requirements, you can ensure that your furry companion remains happy, healthy, and looking their best.

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